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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Thousands rally at Cal State campuses against higher education cuts

Thousands rally at Cal State campuses against higher education cuts

  • 04-14-2011
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By Carla Rivera and Larry Gordon/Los Angeles Times

Decrying what they called an assault on higher education, thousands of faculty and students at California State University campuses across the state rallied, marched and held teach-ins Wednesday to protest steep funding cuts and rising tuition. Dubbed the Day of Class Action, events were held on all 23 Cal State campuses, featuring speakers, workshops, gospel singers, guerrilla theater and, on one campus, a New Orleans-style "funeral" march. The protests were largely peaceful and there were no reports of disruptions, although student groups staged sit-ins in hallways outside the offices of presidents Jolene Koester at Cal State Northridge and James M. Rosser at Cal State L.A. (more...)

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