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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 What if learning -- not fighting -- were the focus?

What if learning -- not fighting -- were the focus?

  • 04-13-2011
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Blog by Sam Chaltain/Huffington Post

As accusations fly back and forth over the reported D.C. cheating scandal -- the latest in a series of battles between America's two dominant Edu-Tribes -- I can't help but wonder what would happen if we stopped spending so much time focusing on what is broken or who is to blame, and started focusing instead on how people learn, and how we can create better learning environments for everyone. This week, as part of an effort to spur such a conversation, a coalition of individuals and organizations is doing just that -- envisioning a movement of adults and young people in search of better places to work and learn, and highlighting powerful learning experiences to make a larger statement about how and when transformational learning occurs. I am proud to be a part of the campaign, which is called Faces of Learning, and which aspires to help people understand we are all effective learners, with differing strengths and challenges. (more...)


Also: Washington Post

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