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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Why shouldn't teachers be graded too?

Why shouldn't teachers be graded too?

  • 04-14-2011
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Guest blog by John Kuhn/Education Week

Yesterday I testified before the Public Ed. Committee of the Texas House of Representatives on behalf of a bill that would initiate a two-year moratorium on standardized testing, known as STAAR in Texas. Here are the remarks I shared before the representatives began asking questions: [“] I have a dilemma: I personally believe state testing is morally compromised because TEA has overwrought test security to the point that it is a parody of big government interference and micromanagement, because testing has turned the adventure of education into something that feels more like an assembly line, because Austin has nudged our teachers from behind their podiums and has said Pearson can assess better than they can, because student creativity is being sacrificed in favor of standardization […”] (more...)

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