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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 A plan to change which teachers get rehired

A plan to change which teachers get rehired

  • 08-03-2011
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By Emily Alpert/Voice of San Diego

A San Diego Unified school board member is floating a controversial plan to deviate from rehiring teachers chiefly based on seniority. School board member Scott Barnett hopes to keep the same teachers at the same schools, saying that if teachers are hired mainly on seniority some successful teaching teams could be broken up at disadvantaged schools. "The threat posed to ‘high poverty, high-need students' by disassembling these academic teams creates a clear and present danger to the success of these students," Barnett wrote in a memo to the board. Under California law, teachers are usually laid off and rehired based on how long they have worked in the school district. The least experienced teachers lose their jobs, and those with the most experience get them back. (more...)



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