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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Anti-teacher union “reformers” hoisted on own petard

Anti-teacher union “reformers” hoisted on own petard

  • 08-25-2011
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By Randy Shaw/LA Progressive

Recent data shows anti-union school “reformers” hoisted on their own petard. After insisting that test scores should be the chief measure of schools, a flurry of recent test results has refuted claims that non-union charter schools exceed unionized public ones. First, last July saw the Atlanta schools testing scandal explode, over five years after the local teachers union raised alarm bells the district ignored. Second, a Los Angeles Times analysis revealed last week that “struggling schools under district control saw test scores rise more than most operated by the mayor, a charter organization and others.” This is after Mayor Villaraigosa repeatedly attacked public schools and tried to take control of the system. Third, in Washington, DC, USA TODAY exposed doctored test results under the former regime of anti-union zealot Michelle Rhee; according to the New York Times, Rhee, who normally never passes up a media shot, is refusing to discuss the controversy with reporters. (more...

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