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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Arne Duncan blasts Rick Perry and Texas schools

Arne Duncan blasts Rick Perry and Texas schools

  • 08-19-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

Education Secretary Arne Duncan, coming out early and tough against Texas Gov. Rick Perry, said he feels “very, very badly for the children” in Texas who go to public schools under Perry’s administration. It was entirely predictable that Duncan would blast Perry, who just entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination and who has made it something of a sport to attack the president. Just the other day, I wrote that no U.S. governor has been at public odds with Obama’s education policies more than Perry, and that tensions would only escalate. It’s safe to say they have. Even as other Republicans have found bipartisan ground with Obama on education reform, Perry has repeatedly criticized Duncan’s Education Department, accusing it of attempting a “federal takeover of public schools” with the Race to Top competition in which states vied for federal funds by promising to implement specific education reforms. (more...)

Also: Time



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