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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 At-risk students face E-learning challenges

At-risk students face E-learning challenges

  • 08-25-2011
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By Katie Ash/Education Week

Stepping into a virtual learning environment can help struggling students interact with curricula in a new way, begin learning with a clean slate, and provide more flexibility to accommodate work or family obligations, say educators and experts working online with students who are at risk of academic failure. But none of those factors will make such students successful unless they have the support and resources they need to engage with the material and the motivation to work hard for their credits, experts stress. "The way online learning is set up, it puts the control of the learning on the shoulders of students," said Jeanne Repetto, an associate professor in the department of special education at the University of Florida, in Gainesville. (more...

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