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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Back-to-school special: Arne Duncan goes off script

Back-to-school special: Arne Duncan goes off script

  • 08-25-2011
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By Andrew J. Rotherham/Time

As a new school year begins, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan plans to use waivers to rewrite parts of the nation's signature federal education law, whose reauthorization has been stalled in Congress. Meanwhile, states are struggling to meet their ambitious Race to the Top goals as they look for ways to cut spending. I sat down with the former head of the Chicago school system to talk about these issues as well as how he pressured the Iowa governor not to cut his state's pre-kindergarten program and set a low bar for the academic side of college athletics. Let's start with your plan to issue waivers to allow states more flexibility around parts of No Child Left Behind. What should we expect? (more...)


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