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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Boyle Heights group puts forth 5-year plan for neighborhood improvement

Boyle Heights group puts forth 5-year plan for neighborhood improvement

  • 08-22-2011
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By Katherine Davis/KPCC

On Friday, members of LAUSD, the State Assembly, the California Endowment and Boyle Heights area nonprofit groups gathered at Mendez Learning Center to announce a five-year plan of action to help improve health, housing and education in the neighborhood. Their aim: everything from establishing mental health programs to increasing affordable housing. The area that speakers at Friday's event most emphasized, however, was education. "We want to make it as difficult as possible for a kid to drop out of school," said Lester Garcia of the Boyle Heights Learning Collaborative. The educational programs outlined in the Boyle Heights Promise Neighborhood Initiative's plan encourage not only high school completion, but college attendance for the neighborhood's approximately 6,000 kids under the age of 18. (more...)

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