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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Brown’s mystifying CALTIDES veto

Brown’s mystifying CALTIDES veto

  • 08-15-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of $2.1 million for the development a statewide database on teachers – CALTIDES – apparently ticked off U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, pleased the California Teachers Assn., and puzzled just about everyone else in education, who are left wondering, “Just what does Jerry want?” Did he worry about the possibility of another state computer fiasco, as CALPADS, the statewide student database, was in its development? Or does he think that the emphasis on data in general is a waste of time? Is he OK with collecting data on teachers, student test results included, on a local level but not at a state level, where researchers and the Legislature can meddle with the data? Did he think that federal education officials would let him use the $2 million he vetoed and $4 million more in a federal grant for CALTIDES for another purpose? (The feds said no and are demanding full repayment.) (more...)


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