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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Budget cuts make approaching school year unpredictable

Budget cuts make approaching school year unpredictable

  • 08-01-2011
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By Maureen Magee/San Diego Union-Tribune

Little over a month before 130,000 San Diego students return to the classroom, the city school district is at a loss to say where many of its teachers and students will end up come September. Preparing for a new school year always requires some guess work: Will enrollment projections jibe with actual student attendance? Are there enough teachers to accommodate students at every campus? Are there seats on school buses for all children waiting at a bus stop? Figuring out the answers to those questions has been complicated this year due to recent budget cuts at the San Diego Unified School District and other factors. For example, reductions to bus service mean thousands of students could abruptly pull out of far-flung magnet schools in favor of campuses closer to their homes. (more...

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