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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 California asks to be excused from No Child Left Behind requirements

California asks to be excused from No Child Left Behind requirements

  • 08-26-2011
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By Diana Lambert/Sacramento Bee

State schools chief Tom Torlakson has asked for a reprieve from the federal No Child Left Behind law. Torlakson sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan this week asking that California be granted a waiver from the law's mandates, state officials said Thursday. "Relief is needed immediately before more schools suffer for another school year under inappropriate labels and ineffective intervention," Torlakson said in the letter. Schools that don't meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind – which include graduation rates, attendance and participation in testing, as well as the proficiency of minority groups, students with disabilities and English language learners – can be placed in "program improvement." These schools may face sanctions that can, in extreme cases, include being taken over by the state. In addition, the bar goes up each year. (more...)


Also: Educated Guess


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