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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Can the US compete if only 32 percent of its students are proficient in math?

Can the US compete if only 32 percent of its students are proficient in math?

  • 08-18-2011
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By Stacy Teicher Khadaroo/Christian Science Monitor

What do Massachusetts, Switzerland, and Singapore have in common? Their students are among the top performers in the world when it comes to mathematical proficiency. As for the rest of the United States, the comparison is more bleak, according to a new report: The US ranked 32nd out of 65 countries (or cities such as Shanghai and Hong Kong) that participated in the latest international PISA, an exam administered to representative samples of 15-year-old students by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. To researchers who authored Wednesday’s report – “Globally Challenged: Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete?” – it’s yet another cause for alarm about the ability of the United States to compete on the global economic scene. (more...)

Also: Huffington Post

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