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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Chicago community group breaks down home-school barriers

Chicago community group breaks down home-school barriers

  • 08-16-2011
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By Alexandra Rice/Education Week

Several years after relocating from Ecuador to Chicago, Shirley Reyes found herself living a lonely life, anxiously waiting at home each day for her children and husband to return from school and work. Ms. Reyes’ isolation ended, however, when she joined the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, a community-based group that shakes up the traditional approach to parent involvement in schooling by focusing on altering school culture, empowering parents, and breaking down barriers between parents and schools. Author and researcher Soo Hong tells the story of Ms. Reyes and other Logan Square parents and educators in A Cord of Three Strands, a case study of the LSNA published earlier this year by Harvard Education Press. (more...

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