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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Congressional gridlock on education needlessly threatens schools

Congressional gridlock on education needlessly threatens schools

  • 08-15-2011
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Column by Robert McCartney/Washington Post

Congressional gridlock is damaging more than just the budget and the economy. The paralysis on Capitol Hill is also putting American education at risk, including in our region. According to recent standardized test results, growing numbers of schools in Virginia, Maryland and the District potentially face punishment under federal law for failing to meet exam score goals that are draconian and unrealistic and should have been changed years ago. The problem is Congress’s failure to update the No Child Left Behind law. Anybody who’s been paying attention has long known that it has serious shortcomings. But the Democrats failed to overhaul it when they controlled Congress until early this year, and now tea party Republicans are making it harder still to do what’s right. (more...)

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