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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Dissension within charter ranks

Dissension within charter ranks

  • 08-24-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

A multimillion dollar gift from the Walton Family Foundation (see accompanying post) will arm the California Charter Schools Assn. against its many foes, but its immediate challenge is a family feud – a split with the other chief charter advocate in California, the Sacramento-based Charter Schools Development Center. The Center posted a webinar Tuesday by its executive director, Eric Premack, in an eleventh-hour effort to defeat three CCSA-backed bills that are nearing passage. The bills – SB 645, AB 440, and AB 360 – represent a negotiated compromise with  Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, a Santa Monica Democrat who chairs the Assembly Education Committee. SB 645 and AB 440 await action Thursday in the Legislature’s Appropriations Committees, the last stop before final floor votes. Both would set higher academic thresholds for charter renewals (go here for my earlier detailed explanation), out of recognition that poorly performing charters have continued to operate and get renewed. (more...)



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