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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Duncan: States don't need to join Common Core for waiver

Duncan: States don't need to join Common Core for waiver

  • 08-19-2011
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Blog by Alyson Klein/Education Week

If you were worried that the administration's plan to offer No Child Left Behind waivers to states that adopt college-and-career ready standards would somehow doom the Common Core State Initiative, you can rest easy. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said today in no uncertain terms that states absolutely do not have to participate in Common Core in order to qualify for one of the department's yet-to-be-determined NCLB waivers. "I like common [standards], but what is most important to me is high standards," Duncan said during a taping of C-SPAN's Newsmakers program. If states that didn't join the Common Core can "verify for us that they have high standards, we're happy to work with them." States could show that they have high standards by having their postsecondary institutions approve them. (more...)

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