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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Education cuts squeeze N.C. teachers

Education cuts squeeze N.C. teachers

  • 08-01-2011
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By Claudio Sanchez/NPR

As the 50 states pass their budgets in trying times, education spending is taking one of the hardest hits. In North Carolina, the cuts are so severe that Gov. Beverly Perdue warns "they will do generational damage" to public education. Deep cuts in funding for education were inevitable in North Carolina. The state is $2.5 billion in the hole, education takes up over half of the state budget, and there's a new Republican majority in the legislature. "When Republicans ran last fall, we made three basic promises," Senate Majority Leader Phil Berger said at a recent news conference. "One, we were not going to allow temporary taxes to be extended. Two, we would reduce spending, and three, that we would protect the classroom." Across the state, though, school officials say they will be forced to shut down early-childhood programs, lay off teachers and virtually eliminate training and professional development for teachers. (more...)

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