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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Federal penalty likely to slow charter growth

Federal penalty likely to slow charter growth

  • 08-22-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

No one was more surprised than Eric Premack to learn last week that the federal Department of Education had docked California $11.5 million from an expected $51.5 million in critical grants for new charter schools this year – and may whack up to $40 million next year. Premack, the executive director of the Charter Schools Development Center in Sacramento, said that 13 years ago, he drafted the language creating the program for its sponsor,  former Sen. David Durenberger of Minnesota. The law didn’t include the requirement that federal officials are now using to cut the state’s funding. California, easily with more charter schools than any other state – 900 and growing –  had been in compliance with the law in past years, Premack said, and had  benefited when President Obama expanded the program. (more...)


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