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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Feds loosen rules on cutting special ed. spending

Feds loosen rules on cutting special ed. spending

  • 08-31-2011
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By Nirvi Shah/Education Week

School districts that want to reduce special education spending from one year to the next without restoring what was cut now have the blessing of the U.S. Department of Education. In the past, federal law was interpreted to mean that once a district set its special education budget, it could not be reduced permanently except for very specific reasons. One of those exceptions to the so-called maintenance-of-effort rule were limited to decreased expenses, such as when an experienced, highly paid special education teacher retired or a high-needs student left a district. Cutting the special education budget for other reasons meant a district was running the risk of losing its share of federal funds. But a letter to the National Association of State Directors of Special Education in June from the Education Department, now says otherwise. (more...

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