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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Few bragging rights in student test scores

Few bragging rights in student test scores

  • 08-16-2011
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By Kathryn Baron/Thoughts on Public Education

California students did better than ever on the state’s achievement tests.  More of them scored at the proficient level or above in math and English than at any time since the testing program began in 2003.  But the pace of change may put a twist on the fabled lesson of slow and steady wins the race. Of about 4.7 million students in grades 2 through 11 who took the California Standards Tests (CST) last spring, 54 percent were proficient or better in English language arts (ELA) and 50 percent scored proficient or higher in math – an increase of 19 percentage points in ELA and 15 percentage points in math over nine years. (more...)

Also: Educated Guess


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