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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Five questions that will improve your teaching

Five questions that will improve your teaching

  • 08-17-2011
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By Larry Ferlazzo/Education Week

It's not hard to find checklists that are supposed to make it easy to improve schools and classroom instruction. What's difficult is locating checklists that you can remember and that are actually useful, as I've written about before. My own list—while not necessarily easy to implement—is easy to remember. And it has served my students and me well. Maybe that's because my list focuses on questions rather than tips. "Will what I am about to do or say bring me closer to the person with whom I am communicating—or will it push me further away?" I've borrowed this question from Marvin Marshall, a well-known writer on positive classroom management techniques. (more...)

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