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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Groundswell calls for school board president resignation in Arizona Ethnic Studies debacle

Groundswell calls for school board president resignation in Arizona Ethnic Studies debacle

  • 08-23-2011
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Blog by Jeff Biggers/Huffington Post

As Tucson's largest school district battles against the state's Ethnic Studies witch hunt at a special administrating appeal hearing in Phoenix this week, a groundswell of students, parents and community members is calling for the resignation of the district's increasingly erratic school board president at Tuesday's upcoming board meeting. After bungling an unnerving school board incident earlier this month and dropping a bombshell accusation at the state hearing on Friday, some observers are wondering if TUSD school board president Mark Stegeman's reckless behavior has also endangered the district's children and careers of their esteemed teachers. "As school board president, Stegeman has redefined failure," said Becky Harvey, whose daughter graduated from the Mexican American Studies program and now attends the university. "His disgraceful actions and words have escalated tensions and created a volatile atmosphere." (more...)


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