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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 In many counties, more than 20 pct. drop out of school

In many counties, more than 20 pct. drop out of school

  • 08-18-2011
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By Agustin Armendariz/California Watch

About a quarter of California counties have high school dropout rates of 20 percent or more, including Los Angeles (20.3 percent) and San Bernardino (21.2 percent). The new figures released by the California Department of Education last week are based on information collected about individual students from their freshman year in 2006 through graduation in 2010. Statewide, the study found nearly three out of four students graduated and 18.2 percent dropped out. The remainder of the students are either still in school, earned their GED or are in alternative programs, according to the department's press release. The counties with a dropout rate of 20 percent or more are split between predominantly white, rural counties and more diverse counties of 100,000 residents or more. The worst rates were in Inyo (46.3 percent) and Nevada (46.1 percent) counties. (more...)

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