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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Invest in young men and boys of color now

Invest in young men and boys of color now

  • 08-19-2011
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Blog by Robert Schwartz/Huffington Post

August 17, 2011 in Sacramento, CA launches a much-needed series of hearings on the state of Boys and Men of Color in California. A bi-partisan group of eight legislators will be charged with examining key issues affecting the health and well-being of men and boys of color in California for the purpose of developing a comprehensive state policy, and programmatic recommendations to improve the health, educational and economic outcomes for this population. The recommendations will focus on six key areas -- health, education, employment and wealth, violence prevention, youth development, and juvenile justice -- with the relevant state agency (i.e., legislative, administrative, executive order) being assigned responsibility for carrying out the Committee recommendations. We have waited long enough. Our state is losing key opportunities every time we lose a young man of color (dropping out of high school; completing high school but under-prepared to be successful in college; et. al.). (more...)

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