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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Kansas City School District loses leader who began turnaround effort

Kansas City School District loses leader who began turnaround effort

  • 08-31-2011
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By A. G. Sulzberger/New York Times

John Covington arrived here two years ago with the promise of transforming a district that had become synonymous with the failures of urban education. He even managed to win support for his drastic recommendation to shut down nearly half its schools, saying it was a necessary step to achieve desperately needed stability. Stability is not something the district had enjoyed for some time. In the previous four decades, the title of superintendent of the Kansas City Board of Education rotated through more than two dozen people, during which time reforms were offered and abandoned as student enrollment and performance declined. And this summer, while negotiating a new contract, Dr. Covington talked of continuing with what has been one of the most aggressive turnaround efforts in the nation. (more...)


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