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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 L.A. school district rehires 450 teachers laid off in June

L.A. school district rehires 450 teachers laid off in June

  • 08-08-2011
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Blog by Bill Chappell/NPR

The Los Angeles school district has rehired 450 elementary school teachers who had been laid off in June. The AP reports that the jobs were restored after "a combination of retirements, resignations, dismissals and a four-day furlough agreement with the teachers union allowed the district to rescind the layoffs." The layoffs were part of massive job cuts instituted this summer, as Los Angeles dealt with state funding cuts. Although the school district has rehired 4,170 teachers and support staff since those initial cuts were made, some 1,450 personnel remain laid off. Those teachers who are still without jobs can track where they are on a "rehire list" by visiting the L.A. school district's website. There, they can enter their employee number to see the current rankings. (more...

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