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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 L.A. Unified bests reform groups in most cases, data show

L.A. Unified bests reform groups in most cases, data show

  • 08-18-2011
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By Howard Blume and Sandra Poindexter/Los Angeles Times

In a surprising challenge to four school reform efforts run by outside organizations, the Los Angeles school district has not only held its own in improving math and English test scores, but in most cases outpaced the others, according to a Times analysis of the city's lowest-performing schools. The district's showing was even more surprising given that its schools didn't benefit from outside funding and other extra resources brought in by reform groups for their schools. "The results are eye-opening, that conventional schools display stronger results," said Bruce Fuller, a UC Berkeley education professor. One of the most striking comparisons was with a group of schools under the control of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. (more...)


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