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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 LAUSD set to vote on changes to the School Choice program

LAUSD set to vote on changes to the School Choice program

  • 08-30-2011
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By Connie Llanos/Los Angeles Daily News

Los Angeles Unified officials are expected today to vote on a plan that could drastically change the rules of the district's landmark Public School Choice reform program. Using competition as a tool to improve academic achievement, Public School Choice allows educators from both inside and outside the district to bid to operate new and underperforming campuses. School board member Steve Zimmer wants to change the rules to give district educators the advantage in applying to run new campuses. And new board member Bennett Kayser would exclude charter operators from the new-school bidding process altogether. Zimmer said he hopes his plan would encourage more charter operators to focus on overhauling low-performing schools, allowing the district to tap its talent pool to operate the new campuses. (more...)


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