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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Los Angeles teachers test a pilot evaluation program

Los Angeles teachers test a pilot evaluation program

  • 08-15-2011
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By Jason Song/Los Angeles Times

This is what one of Los Angeles Unified's most ambitious reform efforts looks like: about 30 people gathered in a Gardena school auditorium, watching a video of a teacher trying to get her young students to understand a John Updike poem. The viewers furiously type their observations into laptop computers and discuss their impressions of the lesson the next day. They ask open-ended questions — "What are some possible explanations for the lack of understanding of the vocabulary?" — all aimed at helping the teacher improve. These training sessions are the school district's first concrete steps toward replacing its age-old teacher evaluation system, which is widely regarded as a failure. The new version is based on more detailed observations, student and parent feedback, and students' standardized test scores. (more...)

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