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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 N.Y. appeals court rules that teacher ratings can be public

N.Y. appeals court rules that teacher ratings can be public

  • 08-26-2011
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By Jason Song/Los Angeles Times

A New York state appeals court ruled Thursday that performance ratings for thousands of teachers can be made public, potentially clearing the way for the largest such data release in the country. The New York City school system and its teachers union had been fighting in court over the ratings, which are based on a "value-added" analysis that links teachers to their students' standardized test scores. The school system has compiled the scores for several years but has not used them in performance evaluations or publicly released them. But several media organizations, including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, sued the school system for the scores last August, shortly after the Los Angeles Times released a database of L.A. teacher ratings calculated by the newspaper. (more...)

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