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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 New Race to Top spurs concerns about testing preschoolers

New Race to Top spurs concerns about testing preschoolers

  • 08-18-2011
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By Maureen Kelleher/Education Week

The proposed assessment requirements for the new Race to the Top early-learning competition are sparking concerns from some preschool advocates, who fear the provisions could lead to high-stakes testing of young children and unfair accountability measures imposed on educators. At the same time, other observers suggest the federal competition could generate national models for early assessment. At least 36 states are expected to compete later this year for a slice of $500 million in grants under the Early Learning Challenge, which aims to support states as they ramp up both the quality of and access to early-childhood programs. The initiative comes amid debate about how best to evaluate young children’s school readiness, and as some states have been exploring new approaches. (more...)


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