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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Now is the time to end California’s conflicting accountability systems

Now is the time to end California’s conflicting accountability systems

  • 08-31-2011
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Opinion by Louis Freedberg/Thoughts on Public Education

Louis Freedberg is executive director of EdSource, an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Californians on critical challenges facing the state’s education system.

Californians can’t be blamed for being confused about whether their schools are doing well or badly. That’s because for the past decade Californians have lived with two conflicting ways of holding schools accountable for the performance of their students: a state and a federal one. Depending on which system they turn to, Californians might be told that the very same school is either failing or succeeding. As efforts pick up both in Washington and Sacramento to reform their respective accountability systems – and new assessments are devised under the Common Core initiative – this is the best imaginable time to work toward a single measure of rating California’s schools. Education insiders may be able to parse the conflicting systems. But for the average Californian, the dueling systems are much more likely to confound than clarify. (more...)


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