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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Officials re-examine environmental curriculum influenced by plastics industry

Officials re-examine environmental curriculum influenced by plastics industry

  • 08-23-2011
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By Susanne Rust/California Watch

News that California educators allowed the chemical industry to weigh in on a new state environmental curriculum has the chemical industry playing defensive while lawmakers and state agencies re-examine a text that focused on plastic shopping bags. Last week, California Watch published an investigation of an 11th-grade teachers’ guide and student workbook. The final text included changes provided by the American Chemistry Council, the plastic shopping bag industry’s trade group. In response to California Watch’s investigation, the state’s superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, issued a statement saying his office would work with California’s Environmental Protection Agency to examine the material and identify areas “where further review may be warranted.” (more...)


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