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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Online enterprises gain foothold as path to a college degree

Online enterprises gain foothold as path to a college degree

  • 08-25-2011
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By Tamar Lewin/New York Times

Harvard and Ohio State are not going to disappear any time soon. But a host of new online enterprises are making earning a college degree cheaper, faster and flexible enough to take work experience into account. As Wikipedia upended the encyclopedia industry and iTunes changed the music business, these businesses have the potential to change higher education. Ryan Yoder, 35, a computer programmer who had completed 72 credits at the University of South Florida years ago, signed up with an outfit called Straighterline, paid $216 to take two courses in accounting and one in business communication, and a month later transferred the credits to Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey, which awarded him a bachelor’s degree in June. (more...

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