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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Poll: Americans trust teachers, split on teachers' unions

Poll: Americans trust teachers, split on teachers' unions

  • 08-17-2011
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By Alexandra Rice/Education Week

Governors and teachers' unions are going head-to-head in several states across the country, and the public feels caught in the middle, a new survey on the public’s perception of U.S. schools finds. When those polled were asked how teachers' unions have affected the quality of U.S. public education, 47 percent said unions hurt it. But even so, 52 percent said they side with unions in disputes with governors over collective bargaining. This year’s annual poll by Phi Delta Kappa International and the Washington-based Gallup Organization, released Wednesday, digs deep into the issues surrounding teachers, including unions, salaries, hiring/firing practices, and curriculum flexibility. (more...)


Also: Education Week


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