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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 President Obama on shaky ground with teachers: Can he firm up support?

President Obama on shaky ground with teachers: Can he firm up support?

  • 08-17-2011
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Blog by Anthony Cody/Education Week

President Obama has some very large problems heading into 2012, and one that might surprise those inside the DC beltway is an area that should be a bulwark of support for any Democratic candidate: education. Democratic candidates tend to support public services, and the unions that represent teachers and classified workers are supportive in return. Going into the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama played to this strength when he spoke to members of the NEA, promising to "fix the broken promises of NCLB." The NEA renewed its endorsement of President Obama last month, but that does not mean he is home free. On the ground, among teachers I know, the President has some big problems. As I posted a few days ago, most of the leading candidates in the Republican primary have taken clear stands against NCLB and the further expansions of Department of Education influence that have occurred under this president. (more...

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