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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Regents pay a political price for their free advisers, dissenters warn

Regents pay a political price for their free advisers, dissenters warn

  • 08-15-2011
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By Michael Winerip/New York Times

In December, the chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents, Merryl H. Tisch, announced a new program: 13 research fellows would be selected to advise the education commissioner and the 17-member board. The fellows would be paid as much as $189,000 each, in private money; to date, $4.5 million has been raised, including $1 million donated by Dr. Tisch, a member of one of New York’s wealthiest families. The chancellor sees the program as a way to add resources and expertise at a time of severe budget cutting (state financing of the Education Department is down 35 percent since 2009). She said the fellows would help ensure that the $700 million federal Race to the Top grant New York was awarded last year was properly spent “People in the department were burning out,” Dr. Tisch said. “This was a great way to enhance our capacity.” As Dr. Tisch put it, what’s not to like about free fellows? Plenty, according to several current and former board members. (more...)


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