Review of Census data reveals information tied to schools
By Sabrina Tavernise/New York Times
It is August, and the Census Bureau is counting things again. This time it was items associated with school, which is just around the corner for children across the country. Ever wondered, for example, how much people spend on back-to-school clothes? About $7 billion, according to figures released Friday by the bureau, judging from sales at family clothing stores in August 2010, the last back-to-school shopping month for which it has data. That is about the size of the Los Angeles city budget. It represents a small increase from 2009. The bureau estimated that 55 million students would be enrolled in pre-kindergarten through high school this fall, and that 11 percent would be in private schools. That total is up by about 16 percent from 20 years ago. The American school population is diverse. In October 2009, members of minority groups made up 43 percent of pre-kindergarten through high school students, while 23 percent had at least one parent born abroad. (more...)