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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Schools enjoy unexpected funds, but midyear cuts are possible

Schools enjoy unexpected funds, but midyear cuts are possible

  • 08-29-2011
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By Teresa Watanabe/Los Angeles Times

After three lean years, unexpected state funds have given school districts from Sacramento to San Diego a financial breather, allowing them to rehire staff and restore smaller class sizes and programs just as most students prepare to return to school in coming weeks. School districts had prepared for cuts of $300 per student or more, but the state budget adopted in late June gave schools the same funding this year as last. Thousands of pink slips had gone out, and such programs as preschool and child care had been slashed. "School districts are relieved that it's not another year of business as usual of cutting education significantly," said Bud Burrow, a consultant to the Kern County schools superintendent. But the respite might not last. (more...)


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