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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Schools flagged for earthquake risks left unchecked

Schools flagged for earthquake risks left unchecked

  • 08-12-2011
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By Emily Alpert and Kyla Calvert/Voice of San Diego

Nearly a decade ago, state experts flagged thousands of school buildings that might be vulnerable in an earthquake. Engineers cautioned school districts that more inspections were needed to tell if the buildings were in trouble. But here in San Diego County, many of those inspections never happened. Only about 100 of the 301 school buildings countywide that raised concerns have been reviewed, repaired or demolished. That means that children go to school in about 200 buildings across the county where earthquake safety is still an unanswered question, the result of a long string of shortcomings in how California and its school districts have handled seismic safety. (more...)

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