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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Schools reopen to face tough budget choices

Schools reopen to face tough budget choices

  • 08-22-2011
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By Sean Cavanagh/Education Week

The academic motto of the McKeesport Area School District is “move, engage, and assess.” But this fall, district leaders will start the school year with an additional goal in mind: to persevere. The 3,900-student district, located in western Pennsylvania, has seen its budget shrink this year, partly as a result of reductions in state aid, which in turn reflect the drying-up of federal stimulus dollars. School leaders have responded by taking several cost-cutting steps, including eliminating 35 teaching positions, cutting more than 20 classroom tutors, reducing coaching of teachers, and trimming the support staff, such as custodians and secretaries. As students around the country begin the 2011-12 school year, many of them will be returning to districts that, like McKeesport, have been forced to restructure their operations in the face of budget cuts. (more...

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