Senate leader: Public school budgets will rise in next few years
By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez/KPCC
About a thousand public school teachers finished a one week union boot camp at UCLA Friday. After losing thousands of members to teacher layoffs, the California Teachers Association conference is training its remaining teachers in negotiating and organizing skills. The yearly conference included workshops on school finance and online organizing. The meat and potatoes offering was a workshop called Essential Bargaining Skills. "I learned how to, to sit on a bargaining table with our district and fight the fight for what we need," says El Segundo Middle School teacher Meredith Beachley, who says she came to the conference because she'll be negotiating a contract with the district this year. Beachley hopes she can help negotiate an agreement with no salary cuts. Just before she stepped into a UCLA ballroom to hear the closing keynote by Darrell Steinberg, the leader of California State Senate. (more...)