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Success lab

  • 08-16-2011
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By Yolanda Arenales/New America Media

Armida Barrera has paid a price for living in a disadvantaged neighborhood: the poor education of her first seven children.  “Two of them didn’t even finish high school,” says the resident of southeast Los Angeles. Only one of her daughters managed to complete college and become a teacher. “It’s a crime, there’s nothing else to call it,” Barrera said, clearly bitter at the lack of available choices for her children, a common scenario faced by other parents in low-income areas.  Parents like her value especially the opportunities that the primary school Synergy Charter Academy— attended by the two youngest of her nine children—brought to the neighborhood.  But when Synergy Charter Academy opened its doors in Southeast Los Angeles in 2004, the predominantly-Latino neighbors didn’t know what to make of it. (more...)


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