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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Teacher evaluation bill 2012 priority

Teacher evaluation bill 2012 priority

  • 08-30-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

A bill that would vastly change how teachers are evaluated is 75 percent of the way there, the bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, reports. Of course, it’s the last 25 percent – down to the last disputed detail – that will make or break bills as potentially contentious as AB 5. Already, those who believe the bill doesn’t go far enough in creating effective evaluations are proposing significant changes that the state’s teachers unions will just as strongly oppose. One current part of the bill that will generate controversy – and probably a lawsuit – would keep data tying student test results to teachers out of the hands of the public and the newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, which created an uproar last year by publishing “value-added” ratings of teachers  based on test results. If used in teacher evaluations, the data would become part of a teacher’s personnel file – and private. (more...)


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