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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Teachers feeling 'beat down' as school year starts

Teachers feeling 'beat down' as school year starts

  • 08-11-2011
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By Claudio Sanchez/NPR

As students prepare to begin another school year, their teachers are hopping mad. They're facing layoffs and deep budget cuts and many say they're tired of being blamed unfairly for just about everything that's wrong in public education. They're so mad that many are bypassing their unions and mounting a campaign of their own to restore the public's faith in their profession. Betsy Leis, a middle school teacher in Florida, is one of these angry teachers. "I give my heart and my soul to every single student in my classroom and all I see on the news is that we aren't doing our job. We're constantly beat down. That's why I'm angry," Leis says. "I don't make any money and part of me is OK with that because I don't do it for the money." And it's not enough that people don't appreciate teachers, they've become punching bags, says Claudia Rueda-Alvarez, a high school counselor in Chicago. (more...

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