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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Teachers trained on new national curriculum

Teachers trained on new national curriculum

  • 08-10-2011
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By Liz Bowie/Baltimore Sun

They might as well have been ninth-graders puzzling over the SAT word of the day. Instead, they were teachers sitting in a Towson High School classroom, their heads bent over a list of new vocabulary words and phrases they couldn't seem to categorize in a way that made sense. Even though these were some of the best teachers in the state, the exercise was designed to confuse. And that was the point: to make them realize they were learning a strange new language with words like common core, strands, clusters, standards for mathematical practice, and Maryland framework. At Towson and 10 other locations this summer, Maryland is training 6,000 teachers and principals — or four staff members from each of the state's 1,450 schools — in what is known as the common core standards. This new national curriculum spells out clearly what students are expected to learn at each grade level from kindergarten through 12th grade and represents what is likely to be one of the most fundamental shifts in teaching in Maryland and 43 other states in the next decade. (more...)


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