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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 The Obama paradox

The Obama paradox

  • 08-16-2011
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Blog by John Thompson/Huffington Post

Unlike many in the Tea Party, President Obama does not want to privatize schools. But, the president has essentially privatized educational policy. The administration's policies are a comprehensive list of the preferences and the peeves of the Bill Gates/Eli Broad/Rupert Murdoch school of reform. Gates loves standardized tests and wants a "data dashboard" that will drive policy. Broad hates being annoyed by the democratic process. And Murdoch's trouble-shooter, former New York City Chancellor Joel Klein, has perfected the art of teacher-bashing. Obama must be upset that while he was being pummeled by the Tea Party, one of his most loyal constituencies marched to "Save Our Schools" from his policies. But I doubt that the President has any idea of the damage that his administration is inflicting on poor children. (more...)



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