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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 The reform movement is already failing

The reform movement is already failing

  • 08-24-2011
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Opinion by Diane Ravitch/Reuters

Diane Ravitch is historian of education and professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

In my nearly four decades as a historian of education, I have analyzed the rise and fall of reform movements. Typically, reforms begin with loud declarations that our education system is in crisis. Throughout the twentieth century, we had a crisis almost every decade. After persuading the public that we are in crisis, the reformers bring forth their favored proposals for radical change. The radical changes are implemented in a few sites, and the results are impressive. As their reforms become widespread, they usually collapse and fail. In time, those who have made a career of educating children are left with the task of cleaning up the mess left by the last bunch of reformers. We are in the midst of the latest wave of reforms, and Steven Brill has positioned himself as the voice of the new reformers. These reforms are not just flawed, but actually dangerous to the future of American education. They would, if implemented, lead to the privatization of a large number of public schools and to the de-professionalization of education. (more...)

Also: Reuters

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