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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 The tarnished state of California's golden college system

The tarnished state of California's golden college system

  • 08-22-2011
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By Jens Erik Gould/Time

Over the years, hundreds of educational leaders from other states and countries have approached California State University chancellor Charles Reed for advice on how to build a successful system of higher education. These days, however, fewer people are asking him. That's because as the state continues to strip its schools' budgets, it's seen as less of a role model for how to use education to build a strong economy. "California had one of the best-prepared, smartest and most creative workforces in the world," says Reed, who has run California State University's 23 campuses since 1998. "That's what gave California a world-based economy. Californians have begun disinvesting in its future." What people used to ask Reed about is known as the Master Plan for Higher Education, which was approved in 1960 to meet swelling demand from the baby-boomer generation. (more...)

Also: PBS (Transcript and video)



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